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life annuity 終身年金。

life assurance

2 the aggregate model of life insurance establish an aggregate model of life insurance by applying the alien modernly insurance actuarial theories and techniques , including deferred life annuities , whole life insurance and returnable premiums . the model has the following properties : ( a ) through the regulation of various parameters in the model , various insurance products can be obtained ; ( b ) the introduction of whole life annuities in the model eases economic predicament when the insured retire ; ( c ) a returnable premium part in the model makes the insurance products have double functions of insurance and savings ; ( d ) an endowment insurance actuarial model also can be gotten when annuity is continuous . and construct an optimization model based on aggregate model of life insurance 這個保險精算模型具有如下性質: ( a )保險公司可以根據實際情況調整參數,不同參數的組合可以得到不同的保險產品,靈活適用性較強; ( b )年金的引入,可以緩解投保人退休后的經濟窘境,避免或減小因退休而面臨的經濟影響,保險的社會保障性得到了很好的體現; ( c )模型中的還本部分,使得這種保險產品具有儲蓄和保險的雙重功能,不僅擴大了保險的社會職能,而且對于投保人來說,多了一種安全的投資選擇; ( d )年金連續的情況下,建立了具有儲蓄功能的養老保險精算模型。

On the basis of this , some annuities and life annuities with certain interest rate are more discussed . the property of m power of the present value about the discrete and continuous annuities is found as well as some recursion formulae and differential equations about some life annuities 在此基礎上,一方面對確定利率下的一些(生存)年金作了進一步地討論,得到了某些離散和連續年金現值的m ( m 2的整數)次方性質及一些離散生存年金精算現值的遞推方程和一些連續生存年金精算現值所滿足的微分方程。

In this paper , firstly the fluctuation of the interest rate and the research situation of the life insurance actuary models with random interest rate are introduced as well as the elementary notion about life annuities and annuities 本文首先介紹了利率的波動性及隨機利率下的壽險精算模型的研究現狀。然后,引入了有關(生存)年金的基本概念。

On the other hand , the moment , the second moment and variance of the present value random variables about some life annuities and annuities with random interest rate are gotten 另一方面討論了隨機利率下的一些離散年金、連續年金和連續生存年金現值隨機變量的一階和二階原點矩及其方差。

Deferred life annuity 延期人壽年金

Contract of life annuity 終身年金契約